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New drafted Circular replacing Circular 04/2023/TT-BTTTT on the List of ICT products required for TA certification and/or SDoC

November 29, 2023by bdconsultant

MIC Vietnam has just issued a new drafted circular on the list of ICT products required for TA certification and/or SDoC. The below is our summary of noteworthy changes under this draft:

(1) Some new and updated standards are added, including:

  • QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT in replacement for QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT (applicable to WWAN devices);
  • QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT in replacement for QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT (applicable to SRDs);
  • New QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT on safety (applicable to tablets, laptop, deskop computers etc.);
  • QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT in replacement for QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT (applicable to E-UTRA Base Stations); QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT in replacement for QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT (E-UTRA Repeaters).

(2) Requirements on extreme test conditions for some QCVNs which have been suspended under Circular 10:2023/TT-BTTTT shall become mandatory under this new Circular;

(3) For vehicle radars, QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT shall not be applied and only, QCVN18:2022/BTTTT will be applicable.

(4) For wireless chargers (with the HS code of 8504.40.19 and 8504.40.90), QCVN55 shall no longer be required and thus, only QCVN96:2015/BTTTT is needed.

(5) For a large number of maritime products, QCVN47:2015/BTTTT shall be applied in replacement for specialized QCVNs which can not locally tested.

This drafted Circular is expected to be applicable from 1 April 2024.

Should you have any question on this issue, please contact with us via


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