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Question: Please advise us the whole importation process for an import package of telecom products in Vietnam?


Step 1: When the import shipment arrives in Vietnam and waiting for customs clearance

The local importer needs to get the approval for Product Quality Inspect Registration (“PQIR’s approval”) for their import package from VNTA.

Application Dossier for getting PQIR’s approval shall include such documents as PQIR form; purchasing order; airway bill, commercial invoice; product spec, external photos. It should be noted that in the PQIR form, only product items which are subject to TA certification/SDoC will be registered therein.

Time for getting PQIR’s approval from VNTA is around 3 working from the submission date.

After getting PQIR’s approval, the local importer will submit it to the Customs Authority to clear the customs procedure for the import shipment and will receive the import package.

Step 2: When the import package is received by the local importer

Case 1: If the local importer has had valid TA certificates (under the Scheme 1) for the imported products (as registerd in PQIR process):

The imported package will be free for distribution to the end-users/buyers at the time of customs clearance. The local importer can immediately use their existing valid TA certificate(s) to complete the SDoC’s requirement for the package.

Case 2: If the local importer has not had and can not obtain TA certificates under the Scheme 1 for the imported products:

They must follow TA certification procedures under Scheme 7 as follows:

  • Sample’s Collection Process

The imported package must be blocked until Sample’s Collection Process is completed.

The local importer must submit their registration for sample’s collection from the package and application for TA certificates under Scheme 7 to the Certification Center.

It takes around 5-7 working days from the registration date for the Certification Center to come to the package storing place to collect 01 or 02 samples and get the collected sample(s) stamped.

After the samples are collected and stamped by the Certification Center, the imported package can be free for distribution to the end-users/buyers.

  • Local Testing Process

The local importer will send 01 collected and stamped sample to the testing lab to work out local test reports for registered products.

Time for the local testing process will be around 2-3 weeks from the date of sample’s receipt by the lab.

  • TA certification Process

After the local test report is obtained, the local importer shall submit it to the Certification Center.

Time for getting TA certificate under Scheme 7 is 01 week from the submission date of the test report.

Final Step:     Implementation of SDoC procedure for the import package

After obtaining TA certificate(s) for the products as mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the local importer must use such TA certificate(s) and EMC test reports and battery test report (if required) to complete its SDoC’s obligation for the package.

Under the current regulations, the local importer shall need to complete its SDoC’s obligation for an import package within 15 working days from issuing date of the PQIR’s approval. Notwithstanding, this time limit can be extended for several (e.g 03) months by an extension application to VNTA by the local importer.

If a failure in SDoC’s obligation of an importer for a certain package is determined and concluded by VNTA, VNTA may issue a penalty for this failure by refusing to grant their PQIR;s approval for next package of such importer.

After the SDoC’s dossier for a package is received by VNTA, all obligations of the importer for the import package shall be deemed as “completed” under the procedural requirements of VNTA.

Question: Our company imports products and goods which are required to have the conformity certificate and conformity announcement on List of products and goods that are likely to cause unsafety of the Ministry of Information and Communication prescribed in Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BTTTT . This product already has a Conformity certificate issued to an authorized representative of the manufacturer. Please indicate if we could use the above-mentioned Conformity certificate to submit it to the imported goods quality inspection agency or not?

Answer: Pursuant to the provisions of Point d, Clause 1, Article 17 of Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT, after registering for imported goods quality inspection, organizations and individual need to submit to conformity certificate inspection agency, the test results issued to (i) the importing organization or individual, or (ii) the manufacturer, or (iii) the authorized representative of the manufacturer. Therefore, sir/madam can use the Conformity certificate issued to the authorized representative of the manufacturer to submit to the imported goods quality inspection agency.

Question: Our company imports products and goods which are required to have the conformity certificate and conformity announcement on The list of products and goods that are likely to cause unsafety of the Ministry of Information and Communication prescribed in Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BTTTT. This product already has test result issued to authorized representative of the manufacturer. Please indicate if we could use the above-mentioned test result to submit the imported goods quality inspection agency or not?

Answer: Pursuant to the provisions of Point d, Clause 1, Article 17 of Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT, after registering for imported goods quality inspection, organizations and individual need to submit to conformity certificate inspection agency, the test results issued to (i) the importing organization or individual, or (ii) the manufacturer, or (iii) the authorized representative of the manufacturer. Therefore, sir/madam can use the test result issued to the authorized representative of the manufacturer to submit to the imported goods quality inspection agency.

Question: We kindly request you to instruct about the value of the confirmation of exemption from the state inspection on the quality in case the applicable technical regulations to products and goods have changed and become effective?

Answer: Pursuant to the Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP of the Government amended by Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP, when the applicable technical regulation changes, the evaluation results which are based the old standards are not suitable for exemption from the state inspection on the quality of imported goods.

Question: Applicable technical regulation QCVN 117:2018/BTTTT is effective from July 1, 2019. Please indicate the specific products and goods to apply this applicable technical regulation?

Answer: Pursuant to the provision of Clause 2, Article 4 Circular No 04/2018/TT-BTTTT and the instruction in Document no. 2331/BTTTT-KHCN on July 18, 2019 of the Ministry of Information and Communications: since July 1, 2019, QCVN 117:2018/BTTTT was applìe to certify and announce conformity for E-UTRA FDD mobile communication terminals instead of QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT.

Question: We kindly request you to instruct about the application to the Conformity certificate issued from October 1, 2017 (the time when Circular No. 42/2016/TT-BTTTT is effective) until before July 1, 2018 (the time when Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT is effective)?

Answer: Pursuant to the provision of Clause 2, Article 4 and Clause 2, Article 5 Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT; pursuant to the provision of Clause 2 Article 5 of Circular 05/2019/TT-BTTTT, the Conformity certificates, Notice on receiving the Conformity announcement issued before September 1, 2019 (the time when Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BTTTT is effective), including: (i) Conformity certifícate, Notice on receiving the Conformity announcement issued according to Circular No 42/2016/TT-BTTTT, and (ii) Conformity certificate, Notice on receiving Conformity announcement issued under Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT, which is still valid shall continue to be applied until the effective date of the new technical regulation replaces the standard technical regulation mentioned in the Conformity certificate and Notice on receiving Conformity announcement.

Question: Our company plans to import a number of transmitters and radio receiver-transmitter devices using Bluetooth, ZigBee, Lora technology. We kindly request you to answer that according to the provision of Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BTTTT, the above-mentioned devices are included in “Short-range transmitter and radio receiver-transmitter devices" or not, is it mandatory to certify and announce conformity?

Answer: Due to the question, sir/madam has not specified the name of the items and does not have full specifications and technical documents so we do not have enough basis to answer the fully petition. Based on the information provided by sir/madam, our instruction as follow:

The transmitters, radio receive-transmitter devices usding Bluetooth, Zigbee, Lora technology are the short-range radio devices, using spread spectrum modulation. Pursuant to the provision in Note(**), Appendix I, Circular No. 05/2019/TB-BTTTT, in the circumstance that the above-mentioned devices operate at the frequency of 2.4GHz with equivalent isotropic radiated power of less then 60mW are not belonging to “Short-range transmitter and radio receive-transmitter device” and do not need to have conformity certify and announce.

Question: Our company plans to import a number of router devices (Router) and switch devices (Switch). We kindly request you to instruct if we should register for state inspection?

Answers: On July 9, 2019 the Ministry of Information and Communication issued Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BTTTT replacing Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT is effective on September 1, 2019, according to which router devices (Router) and switch devices (Switch) are not included on the List of products, goods group 2. Therefore, the registration for quality inspection of products and goods specialized in information and communication technology is not required.

Question: Our company imports a shipment including laptops and tablets for internal use within the company, not implementing buying and selling to Vietnamese market. We kindly request you to answer that the above-mentioned shipment exempt from quality inspection of imported goods, exempt from conformity announcement or not?


  1. Laptop is included in Section 1.2 Appendix II, tablet is included in Section 1.3 Appendix II of the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication is promulgated with Circular No. 05/209/TT-BTTTT on July 9, 2019 of the Minister of Information and Communication.
  2. Pursuant to the provision of Article 7 and 8 of Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 15/2018/TT-BTTTT on November 15, 2019 of the Ministry of Information and Communication, in this case of importing laptops and tablets for internal use within the company is not in the case of not having to conformity certify and announce.
  3. The company is responsible for carrying out state inspection on the quality of imported goods for laptops and tablets according to the provision of:

– Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP on December 31, 2008 as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP on May 15, 2018 of the Government.

– Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT on October 31, 2011 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 15/2018/TT-BTTTT on November 9, 2018 of the Ministry of Information and Communication.

– Document No. 2305/BTTTT-CVT on July 17, 2018 on the registration of quality inspection of products and goods under the specialized management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication when carrying out customs clearance.

  1. In case there are still problems, please directly contact the registration inspect the quality of imported goods agency for guidance.
Question: Our company imports products and goods Cisco 3504 Wireless Controller to control and manage wireless network devices with the model AIR-CT3504-K9, manufactured by Cisco Systems Inc. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are included in List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication is promulgated with Circular No. 05/209/TT-BTTTT on July 9, 2019 of the Minister of Information and Communication or not? The technical documentation of the device is at:

Answer: Based on the technical documentation of the device at the above-mentioned Website, products and goods with the model AIR-CT3504-K9, manufacture Cisco Systems Inc are not included in List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication is promulgated with Circular No. 05/209/TT-BTTTT on July 9, 2019 of the Minister of Information and Communication.

Question: From July 1, 2021 there 06 valitechnical regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Information and Communication, including QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT, 2020/BTTTT, QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT. We kindly request you to answer the questions as follow: 1. In the circumstance by July 1, 2021, if we have not yet had a Conformity certificate, Notice on receiving Conformity announcement under the new regulation, could our company continue to use the Conformity certificate, Notice on receiving Conformity announcement has been issued under the old regulation? 2. Before July 1, 2021, can we submit the application for a Conformity certificate, Notice on receiving Conformity announcement under the new regulation to ensure to be issued on time on July 1, 2021?


  1. From July 1, 2021, the technical regulations QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 101:2016/BTTTT, QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 50:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 52:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 54:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 63:2012/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT replacing QCVN 74:2013/BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communication, valided.

Pursuant to the provision of Clause 5 Article 4 of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on July 9, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication regulates List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication, from July 1, 2021, the provision of national technical regulations QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT, QCVN54:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT applied.

Conformity certificate, Notice on receiving Conformity announcement under national techinical regulations QCVN 101:2016/BTTTT, QCVN 50:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 52:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 54:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 63:2012/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2013/BTTTT will expire from July 1, 2021.

  1. From the date of issuing national technical regulations QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT enterprises can do the test, do the conformity certify at testing laboratories, certification organizations that are qualified as prescribed. The test results, Conformity certificate shall only used to conformity announce, inspect the quality of imported goods from the time the new technical regulation takes effect.
Question: Are the goods: “smart TV (wifi integrated), printer (wifi integrated), TV’s radio control – fan – curtains – light bulb – air conditioner goes with TV – fan – curtains – light bulb – air conditioner, wireless sports tracking devices (number of appearances, assist phases, goals…), wireless health tracking devices (heartbeat, breathing, GPS…) wireless watch, industrial cooler room thermometer (wifi integrated), wireless integrated medical equipments – smart technology, wireless integrated door-locking, wireless integrated close-open door, wireless integrated smart household equipments, devices with built-in wireless technology installed on vehicles – ships – airplanes…” (*) subject to imported state quality inspection under the management of the Ministry of Information and Communication?


Products, goods with the radio function, but with description and HS code of the products, goods are not included in List of products, goods group 2 under the management responsibilities of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 by the Minister of Information and Communication are not required to do the goods quality inspection, not required to do conformity certify and announce.

– Towards products, goods (*):

(1) The cases as follow are not included on the List are: printer with wifi, infrared waves remote;

(2) The cases as follow are included on the List are: (i) smart TV with wifi integrated (Section 2.6 Appendix II), (ii) equipment using radio waves to control models, industrial and  civil control (Section 3.6 Appendix I);

(3) The remaining cases due to not providing detailed informations, technical documentatión (frequency, transmit capacity, pictures…) should not be determined whether they are included on the List or not.

– We kindly request you to base on the technical documentation, descriptions, HS code of the products, goods to compare to the provisions of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT to determine if the products, goods (*) mentioned above are on the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication or not.

– The radio device are only be imported if it conforms to the nation radio frequency spectrum planning. In the circumstance the frequency-using equipment is on the list of radio device exempt from the license to use radio frequencies, the technical and operating conditions (for example wifi, bluetooth…), the importing enterprises are responsible for ensuring that products, goods conform to the technical and exploitation conditions prescribed in  Circular  No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating list of radio equipment exempted from the license to use radio frequencies, the technical and operating conditions attached to it.

– In case there are still problems, please provide technical documentation describing the products, product photos and related information about the product to the Telecommunication Department.

Question: Products and goods if need to do the quality of imported goods inspection, do enterprises have to send samples of goods that are the whole TV, the whole medical equipment, the whole car… with wireless integrated technology to the test laboratory or not?


– In the case the products and goods need to do the quality of imported goods inspection according to the provisions of:

(i) Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP on December 31, 2009 as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP on May 15, 2018 of the Government.

(ii) Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT on October 31, 2011 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 15/2018/TT-BTTTT on November 15, 2018, Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 7, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication.

Then the whole products and goods must be sent to the testing laboratories designated by the Ministry of Information and Communication for testing.

– Products, goods which are cars, medical equipments with wireless integrated technology but the descriptions, HS code of the products, goods are not included in List of products and goods Group 2 under the management responsibilities of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication are not required to do the quality goods inspection, do not need to conformity certify and announce.

Question: Products and goods if need to do the national quality of imported goods inspection under management of the Ministry of Information and Communication, though these goods are also included in List of products and goods Group 2 of another specialized Ministry then how will it be done?


– In the case of products, goods are included in List of products and goods Group 2 under management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT, must do the quality of goods inspection, conformity certify and announce.

Question: Our company has imported products: (1) washlet, HS code 8516.10.19 and (2) electronic toilet, HS code 6910.10.00, frequency band 24,05 - 24,25 GHz. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are included on List of Circular 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication or not?


– Products, goods which are washlet, HS code 8516.10.19 and electronic toilet, HS code 6910.10.00 with descriptions and HS code not on the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance with relevant provisions of the Law on product and goods quality.

– Company must ensure that the device is suitable for technical and exploitation conditions according to Appendix 10 Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of device exempted from the license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and operating conditions.

Question: Our company has imported signal transmission equipment (from network cable port to HDMI port and vice versa) with models: HL-HDMI-120T/R, HL-HDMI-200KVM, HL-HDMI-120KVM, manufacture by Shenzhen Shengtai Tengan Technology Co., Ltd. The equipment has the function of amplifying the signal for long distance transmission over the network cable. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are included in List of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication?


By viewing the technical documentation provided by your Company, the devices with models: HL-HDMI-120T/R, HL-HDMI-200KVM, HL-HDMI-120KVM are the signal amplifying device for long transmission over LAN cable, not the signal amplifying device used in cable television network, are not included in List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance with relevant provisions of the Law on product and goods quality.

Question: Our company importes products, goods which are tire pressure gauge with the model FHTERX, manufactured by Schrader Electronic Ltd. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are on List of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Ministry of Information and Communication?


– Products, goods which are tire pressure gauge with the model FHTERX, manufactured by Schrader Electronics Ltd. with the descriptions, HS codes are not on the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance to Article 23, 34 of Law on product and goods quality, specifically:

1. Producers and importers shall announce fundamental properties, warning information and standard codes on goods on one of the following:

a/ Goods packing;

b/ Goods labels;

c/ Documents accompanying products or goods.

  1. Contents of announced applicable standards must not be contrary to the requirements under technical regulations promulgated by competent state agencies.

– The Company must ensure that the device is suitable for technical and exploitation conditions according to Appendix 6 Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of device exempted from the license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and exploitation conditions. In case there are still questions, please contact The Authority of Radio Frequency Management – the Ministry of Information and Communication for instructions.

Question: Our company has imported vacuum cleaner robot with the model G50, manufactured by Shenzhen Dipusi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned device is on List of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication?


– Products, goods which are vacuum cleaner robots with the model G50, manufactured by Shenzhen Dipusi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. with description and HS code are not included in List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance to Article 23, 34 of Law on product and goods quality, specifically:

1. Producers and importers shall announce fundamental properties, warning information and standard codes on goods on one of the following:

a/ Goods packing;

b/ Goods labels;

c/ Documents accompanying products or goods.

  1. Contents of announced applicable standards must not be contrary to the requirements under technical regulations promulgated by competent state agencies.

– The Company must ensure that the device is suitable for technical and exploitation conditions according to Appendix 6 Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of device exempted from the license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and exploitation conditions. In case there are any questión, please contact The Authority of Radio Frequency Management – the Ministry of Information and Communication for instructions.

Question: Our company imports products, goods are devices to measure water pipe pressure, detect leaks, send signals to monitor water pressure to the central system by 2G, 3G, models: Sofrel LS10, Sofrel LS-Flow, Sofrel LS-P, manufactured by Lacroix-Sofrel. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are on the List of Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 24, 2020 of the Ministry of Information and Communication?


– Products, goods which are radio telemetry equipment with the model: Sofrel LS10, Sofrel LS-Flow, Sofrel LS-P, manufactured by Lacroix-Sofrel, have the mobile communication terminal function GSM (2G), W-CDMA FDD (3G), with product descriptions attached to the above dispatch, are on List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication.

– The company is responsible for doing inspect on quality of imported goods, doing conformity certify and announce according to regulations:

+ Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP on December 31, 2008 as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP on May 15, 2018 of the Government.

+ Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT on October 31, 2011 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 15/2018/TT-BTTTT on November 15, 2918, Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 7, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication.

Question: Our company imports printers, manufactured by HP Inc, with WiFi function, short-distance. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are required to do conformity certify and announce?


– Products, goods which are printers, manufactured by HP Inc, with product descriptions attached to the above dispatch are not on List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance to Article 23, 34 of Law on product and goods quality, specifically:

1. Producers and importers shall announce fundamental properties, warning information and standard codes on goods on one of the following:

a/ Goods packing;

b/ Goods labels;

c/ Documents accompanying products or goods.

  1. Contents of announced applicable standards must not be contrary to the requirements under technical regulations promulgated by competent state agencies.

– Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented by Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of equipment exempted from license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and operating conditions (Circular No. 46). The Company is responsible for ensuring the products, goods conform to the technical and exploitation conditions specified in Appendix 6, 10 of Circular No. 46 mentioned above. In case there are any questions, please contact The Authority of Radio Frequency Management – the Ministry of Information and Communication for instructions.

Question: Our Company imports doorphones with the model HMS-N1070, manufactured by Huyndai HT, bathroom phones with the model HBP-300, manufactured by Huyndai HT. We found that the above-mentioned products do not have a radio interface, the signal transmission through copper cable. We kindly request you to review and instruct the regulations on doing conformity certify and announce.


– Products, goods which are doorphones with the model HMS-N1070, manufactured by Huyndai HT and bathroom phones with the model HPB-300, manufactured by Huyndai HT with product descriptions attached the above-mentioned Document, are not on List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance with relevant provisions of the Law on product and goods quality.

Question: Our company plans to import X-ray machine with the model DRX Revolution Mobile X-ray System, manufactured by Carestream Health, Inc. We kindly request you to instruct doing conformity certify and announce for the above-mentioned products in order to comply with the regulations.


– Products, goods which are X-ray machine with the model DRX Revolution Mobile X-ray System, manufactured by Carestream Health Inc with product descriptions attached the above-mentioned Document are not included in List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance to Article 23, 34 of Law on product and goods quality, specifically:

1. Producers and importers shall announce fundamental properties, warning information and standard codes on goods on one of the following:

a/ Goods packing;

b/ Goods labels;

c/ Documents accompanying products or goods.

  1. Contents of announced applicable standards must not be contrary to the requirements under technical regulations promulgated by competent state agencies.

– Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BTTTT on December 26, 2016 as amended and supplemented Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BTTTT on December 20, 2018 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of equipment exempted from license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and operating condition (Circular No. 46), the company is responsible for ensuring that products and goods with the model DRX Revolution Mobile X-ray System conform to the technical and operational conditions in Appendix 3, 10 of Circular No is mentioned above.

Question: Our company has imported products, goods are projectors, manufactured by XGIMI, with WiFi function, bluetooth, HS code 8528.62.00. We kindly request you to answer if the above-mentioned devices are on List of products and goods Group 2 promulgated with Circular No. 02/2022/TT-BTTTT on May 16, 2022 of the Minister of Information and Communication?


  1. Products, goods which are projectors, manufactured by XGIMI, with product description and HS code are not on List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communication promulgated with Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BTTTT on May 14, 2020 of the Minister of Information and Communication. Therefore, do not need to: registration for state inspection on the quality of imported goods, conformity certify and announce to the above-mentioned products and goods. Importing enterprises are responsible for complying with the quality assurance conditions in accordance to Article 23, 34 of Law on product and goods quality.
  2. Pursuant to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT on October 14, 2021 of the Minister of Information and Communication stipulating List of equipment exempted from license to use radio frequencies, attached technical and exploit conditions (Circular No. 08), the company is responsible for ensuring that products and goods conform to the technical and exploit conditions in Circular No. 08 mentioned above. In case there are any question, please contact The Authority of Radio Frequency Management – the Ministry of Information and Communication for instruction.

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summary on new draft of the Circular replacing Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT
MIC has just released their drafted Circular which will replace for Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT from 1 July 2025. New and remarkable points under this new Circular could be summarized as follows: New and updated standards such as QCVN100:2024/BTTTT on Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) equipment, QCVN133:2024/BTTTT on NR and E-UTRA mobile communication base station equipment, QCVN134:2024/BTTTT on...
Promulgation of QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT on SAR requirements in Vietnam.
The Ministry of Information and Technology (MIC) has just issued the Circular 19/2024/TT-BTTT which promulgates QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT on SAR requirements in Vietnam on some kinds of handheld products. Under QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT, SAR limits shall be as follows: Frequency Limit Head, torso Limbs 30 MHz to 6 GHz 2 W/kg (10g SAR) 4 W/kg (10g SAR)...
Drafted Cirular replacing Circular 30/2011/TT-BTTTT on the procedures for type approval certification and self-declaration of conformity.
MIC has just initiated its public consultation for its drafted Circular which shall replace for the current Circular 30/2011/TT-BTTTT on the procedures for type approval certification and self-declaration of conformity for products in field of information and communication technology. Expected time for the application of this drafted Circular will be in 2025. Contents of this...
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BDConsultant Co., Ltd. is a leading consulting company in Vietnam specializing in providing type approval services for telecommunication, IT,……
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