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New requirements on TA certification by VNTA

November 14, 2024by bdconsultant

The Certification Center of VNTA has just internally issued a new requirement for the type approval certification process.

The main changes concentrate on the source of the testing sample when we apply for the type approval certificate with 3 years validity.

  • If the report holder is under manufacturer name: There is no extra requirement about the source of the sample. But the manufacturer needs to authorize the importer to use their local report. This letter must be endorsed by the local company/office of the manufacturer or must get the consular authentication from Vietnam embassy.

It is our suggesttion that local reports should be in name of the manufacturer if the manufacturer has their local company/office in Vietnam.

  • If the report holder is local company: There is an extra requirement about the source of the sample.

(1) In case the importer or service company import samples:

– The label: must follow the Vietnam regulation about the label for the imported products. We can easily understand that the commercial label/rating label is required

–  The importation documents: invoice, airwaybill, custom declaration letter must be required

(2) In case the manufacturer provides samples: must have evidence about sending sample may be delivery note (there is no clear guidance from the certification center now)

We suggest to use the local report under name of the local company in case manufacturer does not have their company/office in Vietnam. And, from the new requirements, we may not re-use the old sample for testing because is hard to provide the importation documents

Besides, certification center will monitor the validity of the ISO certificate. When the current ISO certificate is expired, the certificate holder must carry out the procedure to update the renew ISO certificate to maintain the validity of the TA certificate. Otherwise, the TA certificate will automatically expire after 10 days from the expiry date of the current ISO certificate.

In addition, there is a change in the format of the type approval certificate.

  • There is a note which clearly inform the requirement of updating ISO certificate
  • There is a QR code in certificate. Maybe from this QR code, we can check validity of the ISO certificate (it is not yet confirmed)

During the practical type approval certification process, we will continue guiding or providing tips to you in order to make the type approval certification process goes smoothly.

BDConsultant Co., Ltd. is a leading consulting company in Vietnam specializing in providing type approval services for telecommunication, IT,……
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BDConsultant Co., Ltd. is a leading consulting company in Vietnam specializing in providing type approval services for telecommunication, IT,……
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