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Promulgation of QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT on SAR requirements in Vietnam.

January 8, 2025by bdconsultant

The Ministry of Information and Technology (MIC) has just issued the Circular 19/2024/TT-BTTT which promulgates QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT on SAR requirements in Vietnam on some kinds of handheld products.

Under QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT, SAR limits shall be as follows:



Head, torso


30 MHz to 6 GHz

2 W/kg (10g SAR)

4 W/kg (10g SAR)

QCVN 134:2024/BTTT shall be applied on hendheld products as follows:

  • Mobile phones using E-Utra (4G) or 5G technology with the HS codes of 8517.13.00 or 8517.14.00;
  • DECT phones with HS code of 8517.11.00;
  • Laptop and portable computers with the HS code of 8471.30.20;
  • Tablets with the HS codes 8471.3090.

For mobile phones, TA certification under QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT shall be required but for other products in the item (2), (3), (4) above, only local test reports on QCVN134:2024/BTTTT are required for SDoC process.

The mandotary date for application of QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT shall start from (i) 1 July 2026 for mobile phones and (ii) 1 July 2027 for DECT phones, notebooks and tablets. Notwithstanding, this QCVN 134:2024 is encouraged to be followed on voluntary basis from 15 February 2025.


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